New to The Fireplace?
What to expect at our Sunday Worship Celebration?
Every Sunday, our Worship Celebration begins at 9:15 with breakfast and fellowship and concludes at approximately 11:45 am. Breakfast is followed by corporate prayer for the morning as well as various prayer items at 9:45. After prayer we often have a time of worship and singing. Our worship style is contemporary with drums and guitars, but our focus is always the same – Jesus.
During our worship, we encourage people to worship biblically, expressed in various ways, but most of all “in spirit and in truth”. That means we want you to come and worship from your heart, giving honor and praise to the One Jesus. According to I Corinthians 12:7-11 and 14:12, we believe also that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still in operation today in Christ’s church, and we encourage the release of these gifts in such a way that builds up the body of believers. We ask that if you sense the Lord desires to use you publicly in a spiritual gift during our Worship Celebration, please speak to someone on our leadership team.
Most importantly, the Word of God is central to our time together, in which you will hear relevant messages directly from Scripture that will help you grow in your faith and walk in a new and abundant life through Jesus Christ.
What should I wear?
At The Fireplace, our focus is on worshipping Jesus, not on what you wear. Most people dress casually. It doesn’t matter to us and it doesn’t matter to God – He looks on the heart! We like to tell people, “Come as you are, and leave more like Jesus!”
Do you expect me to give to the offering?
We don’t believe anyone at The Fireplace should feel coerced or manipulated in any way to give, because Scripture tells us, “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). According to Malachi 3:10, we will invite people to give their tithes and offerings to the Lord as an act of their worship. However, guests should not feel any expectation to contribute to the ministries and mission of our church, unless they feel led to do so.
What ministries do you offer children?
During Sunday Worship Celebration, we provide children’s ministry for all ages. The nursery, for infants – age 2, is unstaffed when the children are dismissed (however, mothers are welcome to take their infants there before that if needed). Toddlers (ages 2 and 3 years old), preschool (ages 4 yrs old to kindergarten) meet together in a single class. This group and elementary group (first through fifth grades) will be dismissed by the moderator usually after the worship and singing time. Each Sunday, we have someone scheduled as a “Sunday School Manager” who can assist you in locating your child’s classroom and answer any questions you may have.
What ministries do you offer for junior and senior high age?
Junior and Senior High aged young people participate with the adults during our Sunday Worship Celebration. Youth meet (Jr. and Sr. High together) the first Thursday at the Fireplace at 6:30 p.m.
I have some other questions...
We would love to hear from you! After our Worship Celebration, please feel free to speak to any of the elders (photos of the leadership are located on the wall when you enter the church). During the week, feel free to visit one of our cell groups, which are small groups that meet in various homes, and are a great place to really get to know others, as well as grow in your walk with Jesus. There is a list of the our small “cell” groups and a contact person listed on the Small Groups page of this website. If you would like to schedule a time to speak with our Senior Elder/pastor, please feel free to call our office at 717-866-1500.